Jake Morris
5 ‘ 11
Galaxy2 is multichannel work based on the sound of new environment. It explores the fibonacci series, which helps to establish the feeling of environment. Adding a flavour of ‘the natural world’ into this piece is little unusual considering it is a highly electronic piece – conceived completely digitally. As such, Galaxy2 is mesh of natural and digital worlds. Like many electronica works Galaxy2 is quite mathematic and angular, however some biased random generators add a level of mysteriousness to the work. Galaxy2 should interact with its listener – who is encouraged to realise it visually, sparking the imagination into a new place. The listener is also encouraged to move his or her head around during playback of the piece, as this creates vastly different sounds. Galaxy2 was largely inspired by the Space Odyssey series by Sir Arthur C. Clarke, and musically by Atmosphères (György Ligeti) which serves as the opening of the 2001 film by Stanley Kubrick and the recently passed away Clarke.
(score fullsize: 1.8mB)
Galaxy2.mp3 (stereo bounce 7.1 mB)
SuperCollider Code:
// GALAXY2.6180039987 (6 CHANNEL or 5.1)
// jake morris
SynthDef("Europa", {
// Arguments
arg out, //output bus
sustain, //note sustain time
freq, //frequency
amp = 0.99; //amplitude
// Variables
var partials = 9, //number of partials
waveshape, //osc
envStruct, //envelope shape
envGen, //envelope instance
final, //final osc with env and low-pass filter
a, b;
envStruct = Env(
levels: [0.0,0.75, 0.75, 0.0],
times: [3.0, sustain, 3.0],
curve: 'sine'
); //.plot;
envGen = EnvGen.kr(
envelope: envStruct,
gate: 1.0,
doneAction: 2.0
waveshape = Mix.fill(10, {SinOsc.ar(freq + freq * [Rand(1.0, 5.0), Rand(1.0, 5.0)], 0, amp / partials) }) * envGen;
final = RLPF.ar(waveshape, 22050, 0.1);
#a, b = final;
Out.ar(0, PanAz.ar(1, [a, b])); // channel 1 out
Out.ar(1, PanAz.ar(1, [a, b])); // channel 2 out
Out.ar(2, PanAz.ar(1, [a, b])); // channel 3 out
Out.ar(3, PanAz.ar(1, [a, b])); // channel 4 out
Out.ar(4, PanAz.ar(1, [a, b])); // channel 5 out
Out.ar(5, PanAz.ar(1, [a, b])); // channel 6 out
//recording settings
var baseDur = 3.0, //initial note duration
ratio = 0.6180339887, //inverse golden ratio
ratio2 = 1.6180339887, //golden ratio
f1 = 987, //starting frequency (fib.16)
f2 = f1 * ratio,
f3 = f2 * ratio,
f4 = f3 * ratio,
f5 = f4 * ratio,
f6 = f5 * ratio,
f7 = f6 * ratio,
f8 = f7 * ratio, //CLIMAX
f9 = f8 * ratio2,
f10 = f9 * ratio2,
f11 = f10 * ratio2,
f12 = f11 * ratio2,
f13 = f12 * ratio2,
partials = 9,
a1 = 0.1; //duration
// NOTEs
SystemClock.sched(0.0, { //0'00
\freq, Pseq([f1, f1 * 2, f1 * 3, f1 * 5, f1 * 8, f1 * 13, f1 * 21, f1 * 34, f1 * 55],1),
\dur, Pseq([a1 * 55, a1 * 34, a1 * 21, a1 * 13, a1 * 8, a1 * 5, a1 * 3, a1 * 2, a1],1),
\sustain, Pseq([baseDur],9),
\instrument, "Europa"
SystemClock.sched(9.0, { //0'09
\freq, Pseq([f2, f2 * 2, f2 * 3, f2 * 5, f2 * 8, f2 * 13, f2 * 21, f2 * 34, f2 * 55], 1),
\dur, Pseq([a1 * 55, a1 * 34, a1 * 21, a1 * 13, a1 * 8, a1 * 5, a1 * 3, a1 * 2, a1],1),
\sustain, Pseq([baseDur],9),
\instrument, "Europa"
SystemClock.sched(18.0, { //0'18
\freq, Pseq([f3, f3 * 2, f3 * 3, f3 * 5, f3 * 8, f3 * 13, f3 * 21, f3 * 34, f3 * 55],1),
\dur, Pseq([a1 * 55, a1 * 34, a1 * 21, a1 * 13, a1 * 8, a1 * 5, a1 * 3, a1 * 2, a1],1),
\sustain, Pseq([baseDur * 2],9),
\instrument, "Europa"
SystemClock.sched(30.0, { //0'30
\freq, Pseq([f4, f4 * 2, f4 * 3, f4 * 5, f4 * 8, f4 * 13, f4 * 21, f4 * 34, f4 * 55],1),
\dur, Pseq([a1 * 55, a1 * 34, a1 * 21, a1 * 13, a1 * 8, a1 * 5, a1 * 3, a1 * 2, a1],1),
\sustain, Pseq([baseDur * 3],9),
\instrument, "Europa"
SystemClock.sched(45.0, { //0'45
\freq, Pseq([f5, f5 * 2, f5 * 3, f5 * 5, f5 * 8, f5 * 13, f5 * 21, f5 * 34, f5 * 55],1),
\dur, Pseq([a1 * 55, a1 * 34, a1 * 21, a1 * 13, a1 * 8, a1 * 5, a1 * 3, a1 * 2, a1],1),
\sustain, Pseq([baseDur * 5],9),
\instrument, "Europa"
SystemClock.sched(66.0, { //1'06
\freq, Pseq([f6, f6 * 2, f6 * 3, f6 * 5, f6 * 8, f6 * 13, f6 * 21, f6 * 34, f6 * 55],1),
\dur, Pseq([a1 * 55, a1 * 34, a1 * 21, a1 * 13, a1 * 8, a1 * 5, a1 * 3, a1 * 2, a1],1),
\sustain, Pseq([baseDur * 8],9),
\instrument, "Europa"
SystemClock.sched(96.0, { //1'36
\freq, Pseq([f7, f7 * 2, f7 * 3, f7 * 5, f7 * 8, f7 * 13, f7 * 21, f7 * 34, f7 * 55],1),
\dur, Pseq([a1 * 55, a1 * 34, a1 * 21, a1 * 13, a1 * 8, a1 * 5, a1 * 3, a1 * 2, a1],1),
\sustain, Pseq([baseDur * 13],9),
\instrument, "Europa"
SystemClock.sched(141.0, { //2'21
\freq, Pseq([f8, f8 * 2, f8 * 3, f8 * 5, f8 * 8, f8 * 13, f8 * 21, f8 * 34, f8 * 55],1),
\dur, Pseq([a1 * 55, a1 * 34, a1 * 21, a1 * 13, a1 * 8, a1 * 5, a1 * 3, a1 * 2, a1],1),
\sustain, Pseq([baseDur * 21],9),
\instrument, "Europa"
SystemClock.sched(210.0, { //3'30
\freq, Pseq([f9, f9 * 2, f9 * 3, f9 * 5, f9 * 8, f9 * 13, f9 * 21, f9 * 34, f9 * 55],1),
\dur, Pseq([a1 * 55, a1 * 34, a1 * 21, a1 * 13, a1 * 8, a1 * 5, a1 * 3, a1 * 2, a1],1),
\sustain, Pseq([baseDur * 8],9),
\instrument, "Europa"
SystemClock.sched(240.0, { //4'00
\freq, Pseq([f10, f10 * 2, f10 * 3, f10 * 5, f10 * 8, f10 * 13, f10 * 21, f10 * 34, f10 * 55],1),
\dur, Pseq([a1 * 55, a1 * 34, a1 * 21, a1 * 13, a1 * 8, a1 * 5, a1 * 3, a1 * 2, a1],1),
\sustain, Pseq([baseDur * 5],9),
\instrument, "Europa"
SystemClock.sched(261.0, { //4'21
\freq, Pseq([f11, f11 * 2, f11 * 3, f11 * 5, f11 * 8, f11 * 13, f11 * 21, f11 * 34, f11 * 55],1),
\dur, Pseq([a1 * 55, a1 * 34, a1 * 21, a1 * 13, a1 * 8, a1 * 5, a1 * 3, a1 * 2, a1],1),
\sustain, Pseq([baseDur * 3],9),
\instrument, "Europa"
SystemClock.sched(276.0, { //4'36
\freq, Pseq([f12, f12 * 2, f12 * 3, f12 * 5, f12 * 8, f12 * 13, f12 * 21, f12 * 34, f12 * 55],1),
\dur, Pseq([a1 * 55, a1 * 34, a1 * 21, a1 * 13, a1 * 8, a1 * 5, a1 * 3, a1 * 2, a1],1),
\sustain, Pseq([baseDur * 2],9),
\instrument, "Europa"
SystemClock.sched(288.0, { //4'48
\freq, Pseq([f13, f13 * 2, f13 * 3, f13 * 5, f13 * 8, f13 * 13, f13 * 21, f13 * 34, f13 * 55], 1),
\dur, Pseq([a1 * 55, a1 * 34, a1 * 21, a1 * 13, a1 * 8, a1 * 5, a1 * 3, a1 * 2, a1],1),
\sustain, Pseq([baseDur],9),
\instrument, "Europa"
iieiwrmeieweeiimeemmwreiweremweireeemeimwieewwrwweereireeiimeewmiwwwemwiewimeeeremeiewmemweewieewerwemwiimiewmeiwireiiwrrewmwewree |
copywrite 3:01 pm
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I really liked this piece, especially the way that you focussed on a mid-frequency range for nearly the entire duration. Yet it wasn't unpleasant to listen to.... in many ways it reminded me of Tristram Cary's sound (in a complimentary sense of course). Nice work :-)
Great title too, by the way.
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